Beer Recipes

I have been a homebrewer since 2005. Linked below are my latest recipes with tasting notes. Recipes formulated with the help of Brewer's Friend recipe calculator.

st patrick's day stout 3/20. This was kegged and ready 2 days after covid-19 shutdown. It is untouched as of 12/20.

another damn cryo ipa 1/20. Again, pretty good. These are getting boring, but they're definitely crowd-pleasers. It seemed too sweet until it was carbonated.

ekuanotty by nature 10/19. Very good, everybody likes it. Hop smell and esp. flavor are strong. It's got a dank taste and the mouthfeel seems thick. If I was to tweak it, I'd dilute it a bit to make it a session, dial back the dryhops slightly, and up the bittering hops a tiny bit.

precision porter First nitro beer I've ever done. Good! True to style, some esters, popular at work.

hoppy cryo wheat 8/18. Basically the same as the hazy ipa with cryo hops, but diluted a bit to reduce ABV. First beer that I've fermented in a carboy. It's good, but the first dozen pints have a harshness to the bitterness -- the lupulin oil coats your throat. The first pint was literally yellow-green in color. Lesson: don't keg hop, do dryhopping in the secondary.

witbier 7/18. Terrible. Not great. The fermentation was warm, it dried out more than expected, (FG ~1.004) resulting in higher ABV than I was shooting for. The yeast smell dominated -- it did not smell "banana", nor "clove", just "yeasty". The yeast smell did fade over the course of 4 weeks, allowing the chamomile and orange to come throught a bit. It still has off-flavors and I consider it a failure. I'm still gonna drink it, though. After 6+ weeks in the fridge, it's drinkable. I've had bad luck with belgian yeast, I'm going to be sticking with british yeast from now on.

obligatory pale ale 7/18. Good, pretty similar to the cryo hazy. It's not very clear, possibly due to dryhop haze (this is only after the first few pints). The fruitiness of the yeast comes through, as does the dankness of the hops. It dried out over time, increasing the perceived bitterness, but it remained drinkable and pretty good. I'll be using this as a base recipe for my pale ales going forward.

hazy ipa with cryo hops Very good, popular at Healthlytix, one of my best. Hop smell fades after a few weeks, but still has good hop flavor. I'd prefer it a bit sweeter/less attenuated.

whale's vagina ipa Served on draft at Healthlytix. Much darker that predicted, very murky-looking. Decent bitterness, still not as much hop smell as I'd like. Hop taste is overwhelmed by caramel flavor, doesn't come across as an IPA.